Interstate Bridge Replacement (IBR) Program - Regional Infrastructure Workforce Market Study
EA worked with the Columbia Willamette Workforce Collaborative (Worksystems, Inc., Clackamas Workforce Partnership, Workforce Southwest Washington) to conduct a comprehensive workforce market study of the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program (IBR). EA led a multi-jurisdictional survey of current and upcoming projects for the Portland-Vancouver metro region and led interviews with over 25 governments to understand the workforce demand and goals for recruitment. Our work on the report led to the development of the IBR Program’s multi-year workforce strategy to support a diverse infrastructure workforce of women, BIPOC, and low-income workers in the bi-state region.
Toolkit for Implementing CHIPS & Science Act Investments
EA worked with child care advocates, women in trades, labor unions, parents, and providers impacted by America’s child care crisis to develop an employer toolkit to provide semiconductor manufacturers receiving CHIPS ACT subsidies with practical approaches to deliver on workforce and child care goals tied to commitments for federal investments. Our work resulted in hundreds of thousands of philanthropic dollars to support child care advocates in Oregon as they advocate for impactful childcare policies in the semiconductor industry
Oregon Metro
Construction Careers Pathways Project (C2P2) Facilitation and Strategic Planning Services
Estolano Advisors is the facilitator and strategic advisor for the Construction Career Pathways Project (C2P2) Public Owner Workgroup. The regional collaborative, convened by Metro, is working to increase participation of historically underrepresented groups in the construction trades. The goal of the project is to create a regional framework with a set of investment and implementation strategies to advance workforce equity and support people of color and women in construction careers.
California Public Utilities Commission
Workforce Issues and Energy Efficiency Programs
We developed a series of recommendations to increase the participation of disadvantaged workers in the energy efficiency sector. This included drawing on national best practices to identify disadvantaged populations, and developing strategies to increase job placement rates in the energy efficiency fields.
San Diego County Building and Construction Trades Council
Communications Materials Related to Project Labor Agreements
`The San Diego County Building and Construction Trades Council and the National City Park Apartments Board asked Estolano Advisors to develop communications materials related to community hiring agreements, which are also known as project labor agreements (PLAs). The products included an information pamphlet and presentation for use by elected officials and community members to learn more about community hiring agreements, what they can achieve, and how they are structured.
LA Bioscience Hub
Biotech Leaders Academy
Our firm designed and managed the Biotech Leaders Academy, an innovative program that connects a diverse cohort of community college students to hands-on experiences with paid internships at local bioscience companies. As part of the program, our firm organized an entrepreneurship academy that helps students gain leadership skills and explore career pathways.
California Department of Community Services & Development
Low Income Weatherization Workforce Development Plan
Our firm provided guidance for the workforce development component of Department of Community Service's Low Income Weatherization Program. Our tasks included developing a workforce development plan, hosting regular one-on-one consultations, and providing ongoing technical assistance to ensure tangible workforce development outcomes.