Public Safety Advisory Committee
EA led the facilitation for LA Metro’s Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC), which explores reforms and alternatives to traditional law enforcement on the agency’s buses and trains. EA designed, implemented, and facilitated high-quality meetings for 15 community committee members and related Metro staff from Metro’s System Security and Law Enforcement, Office of the CEO, Office of Civil Rights, Office of Equity and Race, Communications Department, and Office of Customer Experience. As an outcome of EA’s coordinated effort, LA Metro deployed the Ambassador Pilot Program, a reimagined approach to public safety on public transit.
Westside Cities Council of Governments
Executive Director
Our firm provides Executive Director services to the Westside Cities Council of Governments to advance policies and programs of regional significance. We work with member cities to advance local transportation, sustainability, first-last mile connectivity, transit oriented development, and active transportation goals.
Southern California Association of Governments
Tactical Urbanism
Our firm led the project team that implemented the first round of tactical urbanism events as part of SCAG’s Go Human campaign. The project included the demonstration of open streets events as well as complete streets, first-last mile, and safe routes to school demonstration projects in six cities in Southern California.
Southern California Association of Governments
Transit-Oriented Development Access Study
We worked with the Southern California Association of Governments and the Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning to assess station access needs for nine transit-oriented districts in the County. The study focused on improving transit, bike, and pedestrian connectivity between Metro transit stations and surrounding land uses.
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Bicycle Friendly Business District
Our firm worked with Active San Gabriel Valley to implement two Bicycle Friendly Business District pilot projects in Glendora and South Pasadena. Our team used targeted marketing, events, and safety messaging to promote active transportation as an option to "shop local" and to support social and economic activity.